Top 5 Tech Trends That Will Transform the Events Industry

Events will undergo major changes over the next few years. The pandemic still lingering in business and a shift towards believing it’s okay not to have employment or work for yourself are two key factors that predict future event trends well into 2022Many different things, such as societal attitudes about job security, which seem like[…]

Are Event Platforms a reliable source for Audience Engagement?

Today we will discuss a tough subject; one that many event planners have considered over the last two years. It’s time to discuss event platforms audience engagement!Many event professionals are divided about whether to use event technology to improve audience engagement. Those who are pro-technology (heaven help us if they are right!) insist that technology[…]

Can Transparency Lower Prices and Improve Access to Event Technology?

Pricing in event technology firms is notoriously opaque. In addition to not providing any pricing structure, some platforms only offer rough estimates, for example. Event planners often do not have the time or energy to sit through lengthy demonstrations or discuss pricing for weeks, just as event technology firms don’t have the time or energy[…]

It’s time to rethink your event tech software

The event management agency, like the software industry, has tech stacks. Event software platforms are made up of all the technology required to run an event. It is common for event planners to forget whether their tools are suitable for the job and their budget and therefore spend inefficiently. Evaluating your virtual event software platform[…]

One Cool, Phenomenal, Time Saving, Makes You Smile DJ Software Feature by GigCentric

When I started my DJ career over 23 years ago, I remember the feelings I had about learning the industry. I also had many personal obstacles to overcome. For example, learning how to persuade people in the sales process. Yes, I had to convince couples that a 12 year old could not only DJ their[…]

In The Know, Why GigCentric’s Better Than The Rest

Can you imagine not changing anything in your software for over a 12-year period? Just creating a niche product and not taking care of it? That would be like having a child, a really smart and great looking child and not giving him a bath, feeding him healthy foods and providing him any discipline at[…]

How to Avoid Massive Failures for Starting Your Events Business

Starting a new business is a daunting experience if you have never done it before, period. There is so much to think about. Every single business owner goes through the process of determining what type of company to set-up, to where to spending their limited and small marketing dollars. On top of it, determining whether[…]